Some choice lyrical selections from the new Noosehead album:
The killer hit single: "I Will Eat Your Family".
Nowhere to run now
Coming undone now
Nothing can save me
Your mommy looks tasty
*more screaming*
*anguished screaming*
*confused screaming*
*self-aware screaming*
This is, of course, not to be mistaken for their other big hit, "I Will Eat Your EXTENDED Family".
You must go check out Sam and Fuzzy this instant!
(oh side note, it's not about Noosehead, that is just one of the things the author has made up that I found too funny to not quote)
I am increasingly reminded that I adore music.
My sister sent me a gigantic *purple* package today (well technically she probably sent it a week or two ago but I received it today and that's what counts) which I opened *without* looking at the customs declaration, thus keeping the suprise alive. And a fine suprise it was!
Although I think I prefer normal National Geographic mags there was one of the "Traveler" specification which I assume is due to the fact that I am travelling, in a way. There was also a giant bag of twizzlers which exites me so (I am going to get coke and use the twizzlers as straws! Then I am going to pass out from a sugar high! Yay!), a crap load of gum, a toothbrush (to get rid of all the sugar that I was sent methinks? or is the crap load of gum / toothbrush supposed to be a secretly implied message regarding my breath's smell status?), Uno cards, and the latest November issue of SPIN magazine! Yay!
SPIN is what reminded me of music. So I played a bit on my gatari (which I haven't done in a while as per time restraints and no amp *tear* ) and made up a little ditty and everything. That was lovely and now I want to get all my CDs back from those who I have lent them to and listen throughout the night.
I was going to talk about the internet earlier today because sometime last night as I slowly sank deeper into the brick colored coushins in the student lounge I began to brood over it. But then it was time for NSA so I didn't post anything. Fascinating, no?
Right, so for anyone who cares to know, I am secretly cooking something up (secretly...no longer!) behind the scenes and may eventually have a new thing for you to waste countless hours at, hoping to catch a passing glimpse of the uncomprehendable brilliance of my astounding mind.
although it will probably be a lot more like some random crap I've made that I thought was nice that you can look at.
So anyway time for me to wrap this up, it's almost *glances at clock* 4:58pm!! Oh no!! Better rush off to make sure that I make it to the nothing that happens at 5!
I'm sick.
Yes, I know this is not news for the world or indeed, the world wide web, but I felt a strong urge to share.
I actually threw up on Sunday, right after breakfast. I was already feeling rather ill and decided it was in my best interest to *not* eat anything solid especially as the food isn't good to begin with. In all I had a half a cup of hot water, which I expelled to the right of the sidewalk in the grass after sitting there for what seemed like a good ten minutes.
I hate being sick. Now I am not as naseous and can keep food down but I have a splitting headache in my right temple and my eye feels like it needs to be ripped out and massaged gently or something radicaly insane like that.
I spent a good 20 minutes in the shower simply sitting there with the hot water pelting my back. That feels *great* when you are sick. Though I did start to feel guilty about the fact that I was wasting water when there are places in the world where water is in a shortage.
I think I was delirious.
After long months of frustration from seemingly unkept promises, my inbox is indeed 250mb.
Finally, I need have no worries about my rapidly filling inbox, I highly doubt I'll be able to fill 250mb soon with the average of 4kb per email.
Funny though, have you noticed that the junk mail that is being sent out now is almost 75kb on average? Bloddy junk mail never seems to disapear, this bloddy "junk mail filter" thing on MSN is pointless.
Well anyway, it's time for dinner.
There's something about listening to music that make time pointless and makes you happy, or if not happy, at least vindicated.
What is that?
There's something else about people when you are with them and talking and chatting and being happy and not getting down eachother's throats for thinking differently or caring about one aspect of politics or not that seems to give life meaning.
What *is* that?
There's something about reading anything written by someone who is above the system and seems like an outsider that seems to drain my hope and yet uplift it at the same time.
What *is* that?
There's something about randomly questioning things or conversing with "no one" at least not visible that seems to act as a release or a purge of doubt and fear.
What is *that*?
And there's something about this post that says
What is that?
If everyone pulls together at the last minute then there may still be a chance to elect Frickles!
Please won't everybody just think of the mudcats??
Somebody think of the mudcats!!!
Well, well, well.
So. We meet again.
And I thought you were smarter than this.
I thought you had *brains* reader, *brains*.
But no, you come and read once again.
Did you really think things would be updated?
Be honest.
In other news, Weezer = greatest band in last 10 years?
Check it out!
Had my prayer breakfast thingy today. Mmm mmm. That be good eatin'
There's not much better than cardboard toast frenchified and flat-as-pancakes waffles (circular at that!) with sum buttah and a cuppa (and don't forget orange juice).
Or am I being sarcastic? Am I? Can you tell??
That *is* a rather annoying feature of the internet; sarcasm is not an easy thing to make clear.
OK, anyway.
So...the polls...yeah...*cough*
In other news, NEW WEBCOMIC!
And it has reminded me of the wonderful commentary / humorous dialouge of Calvin and Hobbes. It even has a similar concept (but slightly more...um halucinogenic) seeing as it is the story of a large anthropomorphic cat who lives with a little girl. They talk about life and society and...um...stuff.
Also check out bunnies doing random things at Bunny
Ok, well that's it. I have to go and do homework and stuff.
All I have left to say is...