Sunday, August 15, 2004


Wow, I know, I know. It's been forever since I last posted. I just have been getting bored with the whole "oo wow i have my own website!!!11" thing. And plus I've been in Massachusets for the last few days. Although that's not really an excuse. Oh, and what with having to pack everything up. Ah well, no matter. It's time for me to stop making excuses and get back to posting often. But right now I have to go to sleep. I would stay up and chat but the person I was chatting with mysteriously dissapeared without warning....
Well, anyway. There's a new webcomic up in my little link section. Check it out, it's called "Wigu" and it may contain one of the best characters yet. Topato is hilarious. So anyway have fun with that...oh and all the other webcomics for that matter. They are really great. Unforunately some of the webcomics I like don't have link buttons on their site so not all the ones I like are actually there. But no worries, just look in the link sections of any of the webcomics that *are* on my site and you'll find plenty more.
So right...sleep....right....
bah oh well.
Goodnight all.

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