Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The *real* college life

*sigh* I have a paper that is due yesterday, a paper due next Monday, and a paper due next Friday. Don't forget the 36 headlines about America from The Guardian that I need to write down. Well that's not precisely true, I have done 6 of them already so I only need to catch up 30 of them. And, no of course I'll be able to do that later because *of course* there's computers in the dorm that can be used at all times. Wait what? What's that? oh, the school was retarted and took the computers out of the dorm? Oh I see then, never mind, I guess I'm just screwed.
I really need a laptop.


Ralikat said...

Yes, well that is clearly not a necessity...poor Whidge =0(

You really do need a labtop. Really.

Fateduel said...

It's Widge, it has to be. Whidge just looks retarted.