I'm sick.
Yes, I know this is not news for the world or indeed, the world wide web, but I felt a strong urge to share.
I actually threw up on Sunday, right after breakfast. I was already feeling rather ill and decided it was in my best interest to *not* eat anything solid especially as the food isn't good to begin with. In all I had a half a cup of hot water, which I expelled to the right of the sidewalk in the grass after sitting there for what seemed like a good ten minutes.
I hate being sick. Now I am not as naseous and can keep food down but I have a splitting headache in my right temple and my eye feels like it needs to be ripped out and massaged gently or something radicaly insane like that.
I spent a good 20 minutes in the shower simply sitting there with the hot water pelting my back. That feels *great* when you are sick. Though I did start to feel guilty about the fact that I was wasting water when there are places in the world where water is in a shortage.
I think I was delirious.
Poor Widge, do feel better =0(
it's really brandy writing this, but you know how this gayness acts up...anywho, sorry to hear you're sick as well as the explicit extent to which that is so. i hope you get better soon enough and here's a "chickensoupy" quote to cheer ya up (seeing as how i can't send you ACTUAL soup:)
"Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing"-Redd Foxx.
Okay, it wasn't at all "chickensoupy" but i thought you might like to hate on the healthy for a brief instant. I would.
Danke, danke!
I am all better after two days of practically nothing but sleep. Today for breakfast I had eggs, toast, and cereal: much more than the half cup of hot water on Sunday.
Thanks for the concern and the soup! ;)
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