Thursday, November 18, 2004

a little bundle of joy

I am increasingly reminded that I adore music.
My sister sent me a gigantic *purple* package today (well technically she probably sent it a week or two ago but I received it today and that's what counts) which I opened *without* looking at the customs declaration, thus keeping the suprise alive. And a fine suprise it was!
Although I think I prefer normal National Geographic mags there was one of the "Traveler" specification which I assume is due to the fact that I am travelling, in a way. There was also a giant bag of twizzlers which exites me so (I am going to get coke and use the twizzlers as straws! Then I am going to pass out from a sugar high! Yay!), a crap load of gum, a toothbrush (to get rid of all the sugar that I was sent methinks? or is the crap load of gum / toothbrush supposed to be a secretly implied message regarding my breath's smell status?), Uno cards, and the latest November issue of SPIN magazine! Yay!
SPIN is what reminded me of music. So I played a bit on my gatari (which I haven't done in a while as per time restraints and no amp *tear* ) and made up a little ditty and everything. That was lovely and now I want to get all my CDs back from those who I have lent them to and listen throughout the night.
I was going to talk about the internet earlier today because sometime last night as I slowly sank deeper into the brick colored coushins in the student lounge I began to brood over it. But then it was time for NSA so I didn't post anything. Fascinating, no?
Right, so for anyone who cares to know, I am secretly cooking something up ( longer!) behind the scenes and may eventually have a new thing for you to waste countless hours at, hoping to catch a passing glimpse of the uncomprehendable brilliance of my astounding mind.
although it will probably be a lot more like some random crap I've made that I thought was nice that you can look at.
So anyway time for me to wrap this up, it's almost *glances at clock* 4:58pm!! Oh no!! Better rush off to make sure that I make it to the nothing that happens at 5!


Avi said...

teehee... *wrap* teehee...

I can't wait to attempt to comprehend the astounding brilliance of your mind...wherever it may be... so hurry up and make your niftiness known, eh? Eh? EH?

Anonymous said...

once again, it's brandy, and i too can hardly wait to catch a glimpse of the *ahem* INCOMPREHENSIBLE brilliance of your astounding mind. tootles!