Thursday, February 17, 2005

An excerpt of conversation

thinking, that's all says: (me)
Boryca says: (my friend)
where did you come from?
thinking, that's all says:
i came from the deep and dark places of your MIND *points to your head eerily*
thinking, that's all says:
i emerged quietly from an abandoned puddle of coke left from an intense fight between two middle school friends, started by a slight disagreement of a show on FOX kids 's worth and spurred on by both's insistance on calling the other a wussy
thinking, that's all says:
i slipped out from behind a tree you were staring at just as soon as you looked the other way, like it always happens in your nightmares
thinking, that's all says:
i fell from the sky
thinking, that's all says:
need i go on?
thinking, that's all says:
or have you already come to the conclusion you are bound to come to
thinking, that's all says:
will you ask the question now at the tip of our tongue?
thinking, that's all says:
"what, out of all manner of things, are you smoking?"
thinking, that's all says:
and will you believe me when I swear that I have not been inhaling any smoke from burning objects recently and that I am really only in a weird mood? Or will you reject my claims??
thinking, that's all says:
Will you???


Fateduel said...

I don't need drugs.
Honestly, they would do me no good, and I'm sure the rest of the world would cower in fear (and possibly loathing) if I decided to drop all of my inhibitions and grab some ganja or any other crazy plant.

Avi said...

That was no dialogue! It was a monologue!!! The conversation we just had is nastier AND not just you (but don't think I'm meaning you should post it)

We're smkrs! Of course you sound like you're smoking something! Honestly!