Monday, May 16, 2005

For Sale:

18; male; in the 5 foot range, nearer to 6 than not; nice healthy brown hair but unkempt, long and with a beard; brown eyes; not perfect physical condition, has had some wear and tear, has a small gut, not much arm strength; wears bracelets, a wooden cross necklace, sometimes draws on hand, is going to have a tatoo of a cross on left thumb; can play guitar decently, not as much into actual writing of music but is improving in that; writes poetry, rumblings, thoughts, things; has read many books both classical and modern, is reading many books currently, and has a long list of books still planning to be read, reads quickly but in short bursts (like sprinting), loves to read aloud for people; listens to tons of music, prefers things with some sort of musical quality but if it is exiting and/or entertaining then will probably like it, often sings along to get the full force of the feeling; enjoys talking about nearly everything but will not gossip, discusses things until is not confused by it anymore, loves to help people understand things that he believes he understands, tries to please people within limits, prefers people laughing and happy to grave and serious but can handle it, will be open and social with people he has known for a while but can't be like that with strangers so is instead friendly and curteous, fears insulting people; requires some form of physical comfort but doesn't like to be phsyical with people he does feel something for due to correlations between physicality and love in his mind; believes love is the most important thing, the main focus that all should have; has studied basic comparative religions including Buddhism, Judaism, and Muslim, the Roman Empire and why it fell, has made some conclusions about the transition between the last great empire in the West and current Europe, knows a bit of American history, but none of the previous with enough knowledge to have watertight arguments; focuses on the beauty of things and aesthetics; enjoys nature (long walks on the beach and strolls through the woods); above all requires decent social interaction not only for enjoyment but because talking helps to formulate ideas into language; stays up late and sleeps in 'til noon; for further information contact Aaron Altman at fateduel[at]

There you go, you fucking world, what am I worth to you?
Oh really? That much?
Well guess what. You're too fucking late, I've already been boughten.
You can't have me. I don't fucking care if you want me or not.
So you need to back the fuck off from me because:
I belong to God: to Love
So, so much for your "tempting" calls of money and material riches, I'm not interested. You can shove whatever shit you want in my face but I'm not going to pay attention anymore.
So really, for your own sake, try to forget me.

PS: people who live in this world: don't worry; I wasn't talking to you. I was using a literary technique called personification. Fancy, no?


Ralikat said...

Yeah...yeah, I know what you mean

Fateduel said...

Does everyone understand my blog's title better now?