Don't you stay up til 7am? Why not? Are you sick?
If you have DSL/Cable/anything not dialup I would highly reccomend seriously considering buying a microphone for your computer and getting rid of your phone. MSN or Skype does the same thing but FOR FREE.
I bet you feel like a sucker now. Having paid for your phone service. Psh, chump.
The next form I have to fill out that asks for my home phone number I am totally going to put in my Skype user name.
Chump?! You have some serious issues to deal with there.
And yeah, totally use the computer. It gives you a reference point to a)look at in discussion, b)point and gesture at for emphasis, c)lay your head on should you need comfort.
Just you all wait. You'll end up doing it too.
Ummm... I already HAVE Skype, thank you very much so HA! In your face! Who's the chump now?
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