Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I am in trouble...

Omigosh my room is halfway decently organized! Freak out immediately!
Now if the charger for my camera would miraculously reappear like...right now on my back as I lay here typing-
-then I could take a picture of it and show your disbelieving eyes the truth! Don't doubt! It only leads to fear. And we know fear leads to anger. And anger leads to hate. And hate....leads to suffering!
So don't doubt me when I say if you had ever seen a room of mine in the past and you saw this one you would either be completely astounded or slightly bemused depending on how you take suprising things. Also, if you had seen my room at Broadview senior year you probably wouldn't be amazed as I think that was my greatest accomplishment at room organizing. Even if I did steal the desk idea from Oscar. I perfected it!!
But this room, aside from lacking a place to put a few random items now on my bed as well as my awesome autographed guitar, it has things neatly (I stress this) put away.
<inside joke>a-............astounding.</inside joke>
Anyway, today I have to get a haircut (blegh) and also enact my devious, daring, and brilliant plan. It will involve money and, I am assuming, paitience. But time and money well spent I believe.
SO after yet another night of little / no sleep, I must be off to busybee about!


Avi said...


Fateduel said...

Yes I am indeed.

Ralikat said...

*ponders in a worried manner* What plan?! *fear*

Fateduel said...


Avi said...

Oooee, AND I know the inside joke! That almost never happens (except, I suppose, with you guys)


Hehe nefarious plans. I'm going to pretend I know what they are!

Anonymous said...

Feeling lonely? Hook up with Real Singles now for $4.99 to connect, and only $0.99 a min. A true match is only a phone call away. Give it a try 1-800-211-9293.

Brandy R. said...

is that last comment a joke? please say yes... someone... helloooo!...

Fateduel said...

Wtf? Who leaves anonomous comments for dating services?? That is not ok.
Although...does this mean my site is getting enough traffic that someone out there thinks it is a good advertising location?

Avi said...

Oy! that is just scary, really.

Ralikat said...

Oh and by the way, I totally had a reason to fear!!!

Avi said...

Do tell!

Ralikat said...

Oh no, methinks not :P

Ralikat said...

Well no, honestly, if you want a straight answer - you're going to have to call me up and we will talk. It's not "comment worthy" though. But we can, probably should talk. So call me anytime.