Thursday, September 22, 2005

Creation, Destruction

I don't want half of what I have. But the question is: will I take it with me anyway only so that someone else isn't hurt that I don't use their gift?
Can't we just forgoe our emotional attachment to things? It would make having to pack so much easier.


Brandy R. said...

hmmm that IS a pickle.

Anonymous said...

down with materialism!
is a gift-giving person only glad when their gift is showcased to appease their own feelings of inadequacy? it shouldn't be...
down with the overgifters of xmas!
must we drown our loved ones in nonessentials, rather than the true love from God that we all need instead?
I call for a gift-giving revolution.

Fateduel said...

Bravo sis, bravo.
You rock.

Avi said...

Quoting I (love) Huckabee's! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Take what you need; distribute the rest to those in need...or graciously return to the giver to keep or give to another in need.

Fateduel said...

No, I just don't update that often.
I'm a lazy bum when it comes to updating, which is the main reason I'm not on the Chicago blog-ring.

Ralikat said...

Either that or, jst as Ande has pointed out, you've fallen off the face of existence in general.

This, too, may be true.