Monday, October 02, 2006

Forgive and Forget

Hey Secret, I have a secret for you. There has not been 50 years of strong women. There has been 50 years of subdued women; of enslaved women; of women as a commodity.
And yet everybody seems to dissagree and play along with this see-through image of happiness and freedom for all that America continues to spout from it's shit-encircled mouth.
We're the ones eating it.
Everything is great, everything continues forward. Progress keeps climbing up it's mountain until we get so high up that all love and emotion freezes and we die cold and weary.
There is nothing really bad. If there is any conflict we can solve it right now.
There's nothing that resulted from anything in the past that has built upon centuries of hatred or discrimination with a hide so thick it would be nearly impossible to break through.
History has never meant anything.
The future isn't real.


Ralikat said...

An interesting conclusion you draw from all of this. I'm not sure, however, this is the direction anyone else could be said to be traveling in.

Anonymous said...

Angry-hurt or desolate

Brandy R. said...

the subjugation didn't make them any less strong. but i know what you mean.

Fateduel said...

Ah, I accidentally implied that women aren't strong. Sorry there. But I think the idea is still clear.

Anonymous said...

Not just women...the observations are sound and universal. There are "lessors" all around us...the superiors decide who will prosper and who won't, who is desirable and who isn't, who lives and who dies when there's only one vial of vaccine left. Who ever put those selfish pricks in charge? Who are these monsters who have no respect for human identity, who have no thought of value save what it can benefit themselves? Ah, the twisted life/world we live in. Don't expect recognition or respect here. There is no such thing as freedom or identity, save in the everlasting truth, leaning on the everlasting arms.

Anonymous said...

The future is more real than you can know!

-Punk Rock Faifer

p.s. i'm gonna sell you my nose bleed clean up kit.