Friday, July 16, 2004

*random stuff I can't remember*

So, I'm walking down a street with my usual load of stuff in my pockets; PDA, cell phone, camera, wallet, keys, pens, etc.  I know the street actually, it's the one that follows the el tracks on the south side until it runs into the last stop.  It's night.  I'm literally walking in the street itself, and up ahead of me are a couple people with ski masks on and holding knives I think (can't remember).  Someone calls out to me to go the other way or to get off the street, basically to avoid what I walk into anyway.  These two guys then jump me and push me to the ground, yelling random things.  I know what they want and so say rather frightened, "Look, look here, a cell phone."  They don't want that.  But the PDA, camera, and wallet all peak their interest.  As I am being accosted like this I find that cars are driving by us rather close on either side.  So I suggest to these muggers that we move to the either side of the street, as to avoid being hit.  Eventually they agree and we move to one side.  At this point their masks have come off for whatever reason.  I am stood up and we move to the side of the road by some brick building that doesn't exist.  One of these guys looks a lot like a slightly older Onii-Chan from  He apparently recognizes me and brings up my most recent ex-girlfriend.  Apparently he was with her first but left the school a little while before I came to the school.  So now we have something to relate to, I say, "Well, if it makes you feel any better, she left me too"  And we seemingly gain a commradery.  Eventually we walk to a subway station with an escalator headed down into the sidewalk.  The Onii-Chan look-alike gives me back my things saying something to the effect that him and his squad could never take things from me.  They head down the escalator and I say that I will go the other direction and then suddenly a korean girl I know walks onto the escalator and says hello.  Then I wake up.
bloody dreams, make no sense

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