Time is an odd thing. How do we know what time it is? There is no moment, we can not say that we are actually *at* 9:05 and 37 seconds, because a second is longer than a moment. We would have to carry the decimal out but that can go on forever and never reach a place where we can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is the moment's time. So in reality, there is no actual moment in time, because our measurements are *spans* of time. Like points in geometry. They don't really exist. They are all in theory. Well, that's all interesting but it's confusing me. What I can say for sure is that we can never see the present. We live in the past. Is it because the present doesn't exist? Think a moment. Count five seconds and then snap your fingers at the fifth second. Well, you probably ignored counting zero and counted to four in reality, so you're already off time. Also, you didn't count accurately, I'm sure so you're off again. But you used a clock lets say. OK, so your count was within a certain degree of accuracy, although even clocks are off. Let's ignore this and pretend they aren't. So you have a perfect counting mechanism now sitting by you that has counted 5 real seconds and then you snap your fingers. Sucess? No, again. First, the light from the clock's hand or LCD or whatever it is takes a certain, negligable but there, amount of time to reach your eyes. Then your brain takes a certain amount of time to make sense of the light bouncing off your retina. Time is taken to translate this into electrical signals and time is taken to move these signals from your eyes to your brain and then tie is taken to make sense of the signals. Even further time is taken to set off the right neural sparks to make you realise that the "time" has arrived. And *then*, time is taken for you to think, "Oh, snap fingers now!" Then even more time is taken to send this signal to your fingers and even more time to actually make the fingers do it. By the time this has all happened, you are surely innacurate. Simply the fact that light takes time to move, regardless of how short that span of time is, is proof that we have no knowledge of the present. We can surely feel very close but, never actually be in it. Our minds and our conciousness exists in the past. Odd thought isn't it? Rather strange isn't it that we live purely in history. Makes you realize how important that class is now, eh? Ha ha.
That's all from me about such confusing things. I still don't know if I believe that there even is a present but I know that regardless, we don't have the capability to know it.
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