Here's something to boggle your mind with.
Imagine an apple. You are looking at an apple. What? What color is it? What does it matter? Well, sheesh, if you're going to be all insistant about it then fine...*green* ok? Sheesh...
*Anyway*, you are looking at an apple. Now logically, you know that the apple can either be seen or not be seen. Meaning, the apple is in your line of vision or it isn't. It's in front of you or it's not. In simplest form, you can see the apple or you can't.
Right, simple. But now imagine you can always see the apple. So no longer is there the schism between seeing and not seeing. *But* a new contrast arrives. Either the apple exists or it doesn't. The apple has the oppurtunity to be or not to be (that is the question). It can be there or it can not be there. These are the options regarding the apple, at least, the most basic ones.
Now, apply this idea of the apple to God. Let us assume that He exists. Therefore, by logic, the other option is that He does not exist. Here is where it gets confusing.
If God is all-powerful, as I believe, then does this mean that He is not bound to existence, for if He were, He would not be as powerful as He could be, therefore having the option to cease to exist if He wished? In other, simpler terms, can God decide to cease to exist?
Ah, you say, well of course. If God is truly all-powerful then He must be able to not exist or He would be shackled to existence.
Is it more powerful to be able to cease to exist or to be above the rule of non-existence??
Here is where it gets *even more* conusing. If God is truly all-powerful, and all things are made by God and all things are of God then...
isn't it limiting Him to say that He needs to be able to cease to exist?
Doesn't this simply switch the shackling?
Now He is shackled to having a choice. While the limitation is different, it is still a limitation.
If God created all then did He not create the ability to choose?
If this was created by Him then wouldn't he be beyond it's rules?
If He did *not* create the ability to choose then who did?
What, if not God, created the framework, not only of our universe, but of existence itself?
The final question then:
Is existence eternal or did God create it?
Thursday, October 21, 2004
a request
Whoever reads this just please pray for someone.
it's not me, don't anyone freak out about me, it's for someone I know
it's not me, don't anyone freak out about me, it's for someone I know
Monday, October 18, 2004
prego sauce is salutary
New webcomic up on the links page today: which is Daily Dinosaur Comics. I tried to read it months ago and didn't find it humorous enough to look again but after the extensive reading I did today I just had to add it to my links section. You *must* go read it and, if you're feeling comical, make your own! It's really quite easy, as you'll soon find out.
In other news, Verona is rather a cool place to go. I would only advise you to get a good hotel for *all* the nights you stay, not just one of them. Train stations do not make for comfortable sleeping enviroments. There are also plenty of odd people (but cool!) who show you card tricks, play games, and attempt to rob you senseless (and fail!). And don't forget the police who want to know what you are doing when you are sitting very straight in a cold coridor staring at three sleeping girls. It really must have seemed rather odd...
Also, you must ignore all rational thought and *do not* get a map. Neither should you look at one, simply wander at random, believe me, it is much more fun.
Also, if you are looking for a cafe at which to drink absolutely astounding cafe latte then make sure to look from *side to side* as well as forward.
Also, be sure to distinguish between "15" and "50", it will only lead to horridly painful confusion if you don't.
Oh and don't bother to try wine, it tastes like shit and it burns your mouth. Absolutely pointless.
Ooo speaking of, me and Rali are going to develop "milk-wine". You take a carton of milk, stick it on the counter, wait a few weeks, and...
Milk-wine! Hooray, now sell it for hundreds of dollars, offer it at fancy restaurants and you will be a millionaire! Too bad me and Rali already thought of the idea! You're screwed! Muwahahahahaha!
Ha ha! I am envisioning all the money I will soon have! And I am envisioning your pathetically empty pockets! This makes me laugh! Laugh with glee! Ha!
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to write 7 postcards that will unfortunately have Bracknell postmarks but be from Verona.
In other news, Verona is rather a cool place to go. I would only advise you to get a good hotel for *all* the nights you stay, not just one of them. Train stations do not make for comfortable sleeping enviroments. There are also plenty of odd people (but cool!) who show you card tricks, play games, and attempt to rob you senseless (and fail!). And don't forget the police who want to know what you are doing when you are sitting very straight in a cold coridor staring at three sleeping girls. It really must have seemed rather odd...
Also, you must ignore all rational thought and *do not* get a map. Neither should you look at one, simply wander at random, believe me, it is much more fun.
Also, if you are looking for a cafe at which to drink absolutely astounding cafe latte then make sure to look from *side to side* as well as forward.
Also, be sure to distinguish between "15" and "50", it will only lead to horridly painful confusion if you don't.
Oh and don't bother to try wine, it tastes like shit and it burns your mouth. Absolutely pointless.
Ooo speaking of, me and Rali are going to develop "milk-wine". You take a carton of milk, stick it on the counter, wait a few weeks, and...
Milk-wine! Hooray, now sell it for hundreds of dollars, offer it at fancy restaurants and you will be a millionaire! Too bad me and Rali already thought of the idea! You're screwed! Muwahahahahaha!
Ha ha! I am envisioning all the money I will soon have! And I am envisioning your pathetically empty pockets! This makes me laugh! Laugh with glee! Ha!
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to write 7 postcards that will unfortunately have Bracknell postmarks but be from Verona.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Ketchup Pride
You love America. You would give it all the money you make, and then some. Make sure your Ketchup supports it too.
by the way, I'm not endorsing this product, it is purely hilarious. The thing above is just sarcasm. (it's just too hard to tell on the Internet so I thought I'd just tell you to be sure.
by the way, I'm not endorsing this product, it is purely hilarious. The thing above is just sarcasm. (it's just too hard to tell on the Internet so I thought I'd just tell you to be sure.
update? wha???
MASSIVE update!
Well, to the sidebar at least, I don't really have it in me to write some sort of awesome post that will astound you and enlighten you and quite possibly make you cry with joy or something like that.
So instead I facked with the template! Yay!
A whole new sidebar format greets you, you lucky traveller you!
I have divided it up into more sections, pushed stuff up, dropped stuff down, and just generally made everything look nicer.
Also, sadly, I opted for the all text approach because it caused too much of a clash to my poor eyes to see all these neato buttons followed by pathetic text.
So, in favor of being able to put links to all the wecomics I follow up, it's all text. Now I only wish I could have a separate page for them so I could offer you some form of description, because as they are you are only getting your impression of them by their name, and that's hardly fair.
So, in an attempt to make it fair for all of them, you'll just have to click on them all at some point.
Oh and my profile has been thoroughly changed and now actually contains *horror!* INFORMATION!!! oh noes!!!!111
But yes quite anyway...
Well that's all for me, I'm off to continue working.
you better be happy Rahlly, not only did I update my profile, I updated the look of the site in general, AND this post is broken up. Don't get used to it though, it's just this one. :P
Well, to the sidebar at least, I don't really have it in me to write some sort of awesome post that will astound you and enlighten you and quite possibly make you cry with joy or something like that.
So instead I facked with the template! Yay!
A whole new sidebar format greets you, you lucky traveller you!
I have divided it up into more sections, pushed stuff up, dropped stuff down, and just generally made everything look nicer.
Also, sadly, I opted for the all text approach because it caused too much of a clash to my poor eyes to see all these neato buttons followed by pathetic text.
So, in favor of being able to put links to all the wecomics I follow up, it's all text. Now I only wish I could have a separate page for them so I could offer you some form of description, because as they are you are only getting your impression of them by their name, and that's hardly fair.
So, in an attempt to make it fair for all of them, you'll just have to click on them all at some point.
Oh and my profile has been thoroughly changed and now actually contains *horror!* INFORMATION!!! oh noes!!!!111
But yes quite anyway...
Well that's all for me, I'm off to continue working.
you better be happy Rahlly, not only did I update my profile, I updated the look of the site in general, AND this post is broken up. Don't get used to it though, it's just this one. :P
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Two Fish, an Apple, and Carrot Juice.
I have yet again stumbled upon a new webcomic, this one entitled "Fox and Apple" and is to be found at this site. It is a glimpse into the life of a Fox who is described as "the biggest asshole EVAH" and a rabbit who is described as "the biggest doormat EVAH" and their relationship with eachother. Look also for the nerdy Francis and the protective freeloader Peary.
The whole interspecies thing reminds me of and the insanely cute little korean animation to be found there of the results of a rabbit falling in love with a cat at first sight.
(To find it, go to the site mentioned above, click "enter", click on "Amalloc enter", then click "view" next to the banner of the cat drinking the stuff in the cup)
The whole interspecies thing reminds me of and the insanely cute little korean animation to be found there of the results of a rabbit falling in love with a cat at first sight.
(To find it, go to the site mentioned above, click "enter", click on "Amalloc enter", then click "view" next to the banner of the cat drinking the stuff in the cup)
Monday, October 11, 2004
downed server
He spent his precious minutes staring at a blank page, wondering what he possibly could do to fill this gap of time. It wasn’t merely the Internet that had ceased to function, it was his arms*, it was his muscles, it was his will to move. He was required to think, but had no factual basis for any thought, it being held somewhere in the vast pool of collective knowledge and random pointless facts that people from all over the world had added to. If he could peruse this at leisure, it was almost certain that the information he needed to succeed in his current assignment would simply make its way to the foreground and quietly peep, “I’m right here, no need to panic, you can research your speech.” But instead the Windows logo fluttered indefinately in electronic wind and teased his tortured soul; already growing tense at the tenative ruin this would surely cause. Breathing steadily faster he erased the horribly blank page in front of him, glaring out from the screen. Two swift clicks and there it was again, still unchanging. It taunted him, called out to him with false hope, “Maybe I’m just slow at the moment. Maybe too many people want to look at me. Maybe I’ll pop up with something if you only wait a little longer,” fueling his anger.
He paused, refreshed, and waited more.
*his nuclear arms
You'll be happy to know that his waiting was not fruitless and the internet returned. God smiled on me tonight.
He paused, refreshed, and waited more.
*his nuclear arms
You'll be happy to know that his waiting was not fruitless and the internet returned. God smiled on me tonight.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
I'm not particularly fond of writing essays and am, in fact, avoiding doing so right this instant. Yes, this instant. No, no, the one just before. No right there. No, look, this isn't complicated; it was that one instant where I typed the- look never mind, I'll just go do it then. Sheesh, way to guilt trip me.
Oh by the way, I found a delectably wonderful new webcomic called Questionable Content which isn't exactly *that* questionable although there are a quite a few discussions involving such horrid things as *shock* sex, *awe* alchohol, and *horror* cake-mix. But besides such terrible deviations from goodness it's actually a rather pleasantly happy story. It also reminds me of High Fidelity to an astounding degree, which happens to be my favorite movie (so go watch it this instant!) and therefore adds to my liking of this new comic. So! go have fun reading it.
As soon as I get a good free image-hosting website up I'll be sure to put the link button up right next to all the others.
Oh by the way, I found a delectably wonderful new webcomic called Questionable Content which isn't exactly *that* questionable although there are a quite a few discussions involving such horrid things as *shock* sex, *awe* alchohol, and *horror* cake-mix. But besides such terrible deviations from goodness it's actually a rather pleasantly happy story. It also reminds me of High Fidelity to an astounding degree, which happens to be my favorite movie (so go watch it this instant!) and therefore adds to my liking of this new comic. So! go have fun reading it.
As soon as I get a good free image-hosting website up I'll be sure to put the link button up right next to all the others.
get your facts straight
I'm sorry but I must laugh ridiculously at the irony of Cheny's slight mistake last night...or well for me it was God-awfully early morning but the idea, *the idea*...stay with me. If you are either a politically concious US citizen, a concerned European, or simply someone who likes a good laugh, then you most likely watched the not quite as publicised, and not nearly as formal vice presidential debates for the upcoming American election. Now I happened to have been up at 2am anyway so I figured what harm can come of watching it, especially since I fall in the later category of the three previously mentioned. Mostly though, rather than causing humorous giggles of delight (though there were a few), the debate caused only general perturbation and a red spot from where my head was left on the table I sat (and napped) at. One of these few spots that did produce small chuckles was Cheney's use of a website to attempt to back him up, because I simply found it humorous that in this day and age the internet is considered a source, and a reliable one at that (apparently). Had I known the site I would have laughed outright, as I did this morning after reading The Guardian's G2 section. Cheney said to go to which doesn't seem to be working any longer...But anyway, Cheney said to go there to prove some point of his and if you were to you would find a large headline reading something to the extent of "How Bush is ruining America". For a more detailed description go to this site.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Full stop!
So I have a bag.
Or a satchel as my sister so cleverly put it on the customs declaration.
It kind of takes away part of the mystery of getting a giant package in the mail from overseas, only to see that pasted on the side of it is a label with a detailed account of all that is in it. And yet I must thank my sister profoundly for the "Satchel, pens, cookies, magazine, etc." It was a nice suprise to find the little pink slip saying "You have a gigantic package we can't fit in your inadequatly small mailbox; please come and get it" rather than the usual green slip telling me what random crap the school had planned for the week.
Now I'm just stuck with how to decorate this new customizable thing I've stumbled upon. I'm thinking...buttons....maybe...
So! speaking of random crap the school has planned for us, theres a worship right now that I need to go to in order to make up the 4 per week I am supposed to go to.
This post has officially ended, right now, at the end of this sentance, the sentance you're reading, this one, period.
Or a satchel as my sister so cleverly put it on the customs declaration.
It kind of takes away part of the mystery of getting a giant package in the mail from overseas, only to see that pasted on the side of it is a label with a detailed account of all that is in it. And yet I must thank my sister profoundly for the "Satchel, pens, cookies, magazine, etc." It was a nice suprise to find the little pink slip saying "You have a gigantic package we can't fit in your inadequatly small mailbox; please come and get it" rather than the usual green slip telling me what random crap the school had planned for the week.
Now I'm just stuck with how to decorate this new customizable thing I've stumbled upon. I'm thinking...buttons....maybe...
So! speaking of random crap the school has planned for us, theres a worship right now that I need to go to in order to make up the 4 per week I am supposed to go to.
This post has officially ended, right now, at the end of this sentance, the sentance you're reading, this one, period.
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