Monday, October 18, 2004

prego sauce is salutary

New webcomic up on the links page today: which is Daily Dinosaur Comics. I tried to read it months ago and didn't find it humorous enough to look again but after the extensive reading I did today I just had to add it to my links section. You *must* go read it and, if you're feeling comical, make your own! It's really quite easy, as you'll soon find out.
In other news, Verona is rather a cool place to go. I would only advise you to get a good hotel for *all* the nights you stay, not just one of them. Train stations do not make for comfortable sleeping enviroments. There are also plenty of odd people (but cool!) who show you card tricks, play games, and attempt to rob you senseless (and fail!). And don't forget the police who want to know what you are doing when you are sitting very straight in a cold coridor staring at three sleeping girls. It really must have seemed rather odd...
Also, you must ignore all rational thought and *do not* get a map. Neither should you look at one, simply wander at random, believe me, it is much more fun.
Also, if you are looking for a cafe at which to drink absolutely astounding cafe latte then make sure to look from *side to side* as well as forward.
Also, be sure to distinguish between "15" and "50", it will only lead to horridly painful confusion if you don't.
Oh and don't bother to try wine, it tastes like shit and it burns your mouth. Absolutely pointless.
Ooo speaking of, me and Rali are going to develop "milk-wine". You take a carton of milk, stick it on the counter, wait a few weeks, and...
Milk-wine! Hooray, now sell it for hundreds of dollars, offer it at fancy restaurants and you will be a millionaire! Too bad me and Rali already thought of the idea! You're screwed! Muwahahahahaha!
Ha ha! I am envisioning all the money I will soon have! And I am envisioning your pathetically empty pockets! This makes me laugh! Laugh with glee! Ha!
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to write 7 postcards that will unfortunately have Bracknell postmarks but be from Verona.


Avi said...

I still think that whole staring at sleeping girls thing was funny - You looked like a bum after all. I wonder what would have happened if we had pretended not to know you?

hee hee.

Ralikat said...

Oh we so should have!, no, no - poor Widge. *tear* You were only protecting our bags from the hashish dealer - and that is how we would repay you?! Such a pity when humanity becomes so cruel...

...wait a second.