Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Full stop!

So I have a bag.
Or a satchel as my sister so cleverly put it on the customs declaration.
It kind of takes away part of the mystery of getting a giant package in the mail from overseas, only to see that pasted on the side of it is a label with a detailed account of all that is in it. And yet I must thank my sister profoundly for the "Satchel, pens, cookies, magazine, etc." It was a nice suprise to find the little pink slip saying "You have a gigantic package we can't fit in your inadequatly small mailbox; please come and get it" rather than the usual green slip telling me what random crap the school had planned for the week.
Now I'm just stuck with how to decorate this new customizable thing I've stumbled upon. I'm thinking...buttons....maybe...
So! speaking of random crap the school has planned for us, theres a worship right now that I need to go to in order to make up the 4 per week I am supposed to go to.
This post has officially ended, right now, at the end of this sentance, the sentance you're reading, this one, period.

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