Thursday, June 30, 2005

Reluctant Air Travel

As you may notice, I have finally finished reading The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky (if you care to know, it was sad and tragic as well as depressingly plausible to boot).
I did this in the first leg of my sadly obligatory journey back to the non-home of Chicago. Which was unfortunate because it turned out that I had another 6 hour long leg still to go. And Peg ran out of juice after the first hour of that.
Speaking of Peg, while she was still good and running I finally listened to and liked the new Coldplay X&Y. Not that I didn't expect it, it just finally happened. But as to specifically the title track X&Y, I was half asleep and half day-dreamed half night-dreamed that I was in a little plane that flew into a billboard and I fell to the ground as the burning fuselage floated about me, watching some guy scream to his death a little in front of me. All the while the chorus of X&Y playing, somehow eerily appropriate sounding: enough to make me not afraid at all but more completely absorbed with the feeling of it all.
I swear I'm not morbid.
It's not like during my trip to Portland I considered how perfect it would have been if the plane crashed because I was talking with the people to either side of me and had made a lame connection. Psh, what do you take me for? Some sort of...morbid person?
Also, if you've ever been in a plane on the runway while it is bucketing rain outside tell me you weren't extremely concerned for a brief instant as creepy white smoke poured in from the walls and ceiling.


Ralikat said...

Psh. You morbid, man. You totally can't hide that one. You so morbid.

Brandy R. said...

dude, like, when did you go to Portland? I had to re-read this post and check its date about twice to realize where the hell you were returning from. So weird. I mean it seems like you were at Faifer's just the other day. Does HE live in Portland now????? I'm so confused. And I thought you decided you liked X&Y a WHILE ago. All these weird things you said manage to: 1)make me question your identity and 2)ADD to my initial confusion! holy crap, this is WAAAAAY more than a "comment". bye.

Brandy R. said...

Aso, how the hell does it take 6 HOURS to fly from Portland to Chicago? keep it up ace! i will soon find out who you REALLY are....*mutters to self*

Fateduel said...

To Rali: Psh. You so totally using battle school slang. Fart-eater.
To Brandy: Psh, I don't live in Portland. Get with the program: I went on a trip there this last weekend and posted about it during the week after. Also, the second leg of the journey was from Minneapolis to Chicago and it started to "rain buckets" in Minneapolis and things were delayed. I was stuck in the plane on the tarmac for 5 hours. Hence the 6 hours.

Ralikat said...

You not know what you talking about. No hyphen, pinprick.

Avi said...

You guys are nuts.

...Peg? You named your mp3 player PEG? I'm not sure whether that's awesome or deplorable! Help me out here, Rali!

Ralikat said...'s both. Howzat, Av!

Avi said...

Hmmm... a cheap, lazy way out. No banana/cigar/joint for you.

Ralikat said...


Yeh. Lame. I know.

Fateduel said...

It's an outbreak of floppy foot!!

Avi said...

Oh gosh, I should've seen that one coming.

Ralikat said...

Definitely. In fact, Avi, I believe you fail on that count. Pity, too.