Thursday, December 30, 2004

A thousand points to me and you

So the game is over, everyone's been caught but you, and now you get to ride on the tank.
Ya, I only just watched it.
Lovely way to get depressed.
That's why I'm watching a mouse widow attempt to save her feverish son from the plow, hopefully I can be a little cheered up.
But for some reason I remember this movie being filled with creepy visuals, creepy music, and a rather tense plot.
Of course, it's either that or Unforgiven...
And...well...I mean come on...I'm already depressed :)
Check out ::the smoke zone::
it's been updated.
Well, back to the proverbial popcorn.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop...

I think a helicopter hovered outside my house today.
By the way, there's a new poem up in Penny For My Thoughts, go check it out.
Me and The Mad Grabber took our guitars to his drummer friend's house yesteray. The bassist friend came over too. Can anyone guess what ensued?
5 hours of hardcore rocking, minus the drugs and the sex (for all you who decided not to be nice and guess).
Then today my friend revealed to me that I can get a discount on anything I want from Best Buy as long as he buys it.
Now I have 5 hours before I need to "wake up" and go downtown.
Well, until next time, don't let those silent black helicopters take you away!

Monday, December 20, 2004


"O God, I have an ill-divining soul!
Methinks I see thee, now thou art below,
As one dead in the bottom of a tomb:
Either my eyesight fails, or thou look'st pale."

Death became her awfully well,
a sight quite suitable for hell.

Blood drains from my lips, from my cheeks, from my mind.
Nothing is left in me to function, I release my grip, I stumble backwards.
Falling not on the ground so solid beneath me but tumbling off into the sky above, cresting at the sun, blinding my already functionless eyes.

"Light beams through
windows stream into my eyes
explode like red ballons
as it reminds me of you
so long ago

wind blows through
a hole in the roof
brings your perfume like lillies to me
and all I can do
is remember you"

When was the last time?

"I need you now be my light
tomorrow is much too late
I need you now"

quotes from Romeo and Juliet and Saves the Day - Tomorrow Too Late

Saturday, December 18, 2004


So that crap is done with.
I now get a lovely 4 weeks off from school!
Ahh, time to relax, take it slow, just chill.

After scrambling to buy thousands of presents before Christmas.

Ahh, the easy life.

Monday, December 13, 2004


You again?
No, I can't talk right now, I have an exam in 2 hours.
No, no really, no time, out.
Bah, I swear, "no rest for the wicked," eh?

Thursday, December 09, 2004

And the curtains are drawn back...

So I exaggerated the "genius" of the secret item I had been working on.
BUT, without further ado, here it is:
Penny For My Thoughts
You can now have fun reading through some of my random poetry. Most of it is crap, but I weeded out all the stuff I thought was incredibly putrid and left the stuff that I think has more promise.
But don't listen to me babble on about it, see for yourself.
I'm shutting up now.

Monday, December 06, 2004

heading into a crazed hunger

A whole new approach to the link section you say?
Well, maybe I'm just so amazed I can't comment! (maybe that!)
Yes, yes, it's like a whole new blog
...just not...
The link section is now all fancified. The only real huge change is the webcomic section and I think it deserves a little explanation. Firstly, you will notice that the many links have been organized by the *type* of webcomic it is, under three main titles: "story-driven", "just humor", and "artistic".
Story-driven is any webcomic that has a main story that each comic is simply a continuation of. The story may or may not be funny, but I decided that this type of comic deserved it's own place.
Just humor is a section for those comics that don't really have one story that continues all the way through. There may be certain episdoes but generally the only thing that ties the comic together are the recurring characters.
Artistic is not meant to insult the artistic quality of all the other webcomics that *aren't* in this section. It simply puts these few aside from the others as they aren't always funny and ussually aren't meant to be.
The next and last thing you should notice that is different about the links section is that there are quotes next to the link from the website in question. So far not all have quotes, and some may never, but if there is something that either makes me laugh 'til I soil my pants and smell up the computer lab or that I find incredibly profound and have to spend the rest of my day brooding over, then I will put it up next to the link.
It also helps you to know a little better what the webcomic is like.
Ok, thats all. Now I have to go consume nothing but juice for the next 5 days!
Oh p.s.
just a side note, I heard that someone was concerned about the lyrics on the previous post by the FICTITIOUS band "Noosehead".
Just to restate that:
Noosehead does NOT exist, they are not a "favorite band" of mine, just something I found dreadfully funny on the webcomic Sam and Fuzzy.
That is all.
Message over.
*static fuzz*

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Some choice lyrical selections from the new Noosehead album:
The killer hit single: "I Will Eat Your Family".

Nowhere to run now
Coming undone now
Nothing can save me
Your mommy looks tasty


*more screaming*


*anguished screaming*

*confused screaming*

*self-aware screaming*

This is, of course, not to be mistaken for their other big hit, "I Will Eat Your EXTENDED Family".
You must go check out Sam and Fuzzy this instant!
(oh side note, it's not about Noosehead, that is just one of the things the author has made up that I found too funny to not quote)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

a little bundle of joy

I am increasingly reminded that I adore music.
My sister sent me a gigantic *purple* package today (well technically she probably sent it a week or two ago but I received it today and that's what counts) which I opened *without* looking at the customs declaration, thus keeping the suprise alive. And a fine suprise it was!
Although I think I prefer normal National Geographic mags there was one of the "Traveler" specification which I assume is due to the fact that I am travelling, in a way. There was also a giant bag of twizzlers which exites me so (I am going to get coke and use the twizzlers as straws! Then I am going to pass out from a sugar high! Yay!), a crap load of gum, a toothbrush (to get rid of all the sugar that I was sent methinks? or is the crap load of gum / toothbrush supposed to be a secretly implied message regarding my breath's smell status?), Uno cards, and the latest November issue of SPIN magazine! Yay!
SPIN is what reminded me of music. So I played a bit on my gatari (which I haven't done in a while as per time restraints and no amp *tear* ) and made up a little ditty and everything. That was lovely and now I want to get all my CDs back from those who I have lent them to and listen throughout the night.
I was going to talk about the internet earlier today because sometime last night as I slowly sank deeper into the brick colored coushins in the student lounge I began to brood over it. But then it was time for NSA so I didn't post anything. Fascinating, no?
Right, so for anyone who cares to know, I am secretly cooking something up ( longer!) behind the scenes and may eventually have a new thing for you to waste countless hours at, hoping to catch a passing glimpse of the uncomprehendable brilliance of my astounding mind.
although it will probably be a lot more like some random crap I've made that I thought was nice that you can look at.
So anyway time for me to wrap this up, it's almost *glances at clock* 4:58pm!! Oh no!! Better rush off to make sure that I make it to the nothing that happens at 5!

Monday, November 15, 2004

hot water is a commodity

I'm sick.
Yes, I know this is not news for the world or indeed, the world wide web, but I felt a strong urge to share.
I actually threw up on Sunday, right after breakfast. I was already feeling rather ill and decided it was in my best interest to *not* eat anything solid especially as the food isn't good to begin with. In all I had a half a cup of hot water, which I expelled to the right of the sidewalk in the grass after sitting there for what seemed like a good ten minutes.
I hate being sick. Now I am not as naseous and can keep food down but I have a splitting headache in my right temple and my eye feels like it needs to be ripped out and massaged gently or something radicaly insane like that.
I spent a good 20 minutes in the shower simply sitting there with the hot water pelting my back. That feels *great* when you are sick. Though I did start to feel guilty about the fact that I was wasting water when there are places in the world where water is in a shortage.
I think I was delirious.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

2mb no longer!

After long months of frustration from seemingly unkept promises, my inbox is indeed 250mb.
Finally, I need have no worries about my rapidly filling inbox, I highly doubt I'll be able to fill 250mb soon with the average of 4kb per email.
Funny though, have you noticed that the junk mail that is being sent out now is almost 75kb on average? Bloddy junk mail never seems to disapear, this bloddy "junk mail filter" thing on MSN is pointless.
Well anyway, it's time for dinner.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

There's something about listening to music that make time pointless and makes you happy, or if not happy, at least vindicated.

What is that?

There's something else about people when you are with them and talking and chatting and being happy and not getting down eachother's throats for thinking differently or caring about one aspect of politics or not that seems to give life meaning.

What *is* that?

There's something about reading anything written by someone who is above the system and seems like an outsider that seems to drain my hope and yet uplift it at the same time.

What *is* that?

There's something about randomly questioning things or conversing with "no one" at least not visible that seems to act as a release or a purge of doubt and fear.

What is *that*?

And there's something about this post that says

What is that?

There's still hope!

If everyone pulls together at the last minute then there may still be a chance to elect Frickles!
Please won't everybody just think of the mudcats??
Somebody think of the mudcats!!!

No, reader, I expect you to die

Well, well, well.
So. We meet again.
And I thought you were smarter than this.
I thought you had *brains* reader, *brains*.
But no, you come and read once again.
Did you really think things would be updated?
Be honest.

In other news, Weezer = greatest band in last 10 years?
Check it out!

Had my prayer breakfast thingy today. Mmm mmm. That be good eatin'
There's not much better than cardboard toast frenchified and flat-as-pancakes waffles (circular at that!) with sum buttah and a cuppa (and don't forget orange juice).

Or am I being sarcastic? Am I? Can you tell??
That *is* a rather annoying feature of the internet; sarcasm is not an easy thing to make clear.

OK, anyway.
So...the polls...yeah...*cough*

In other news, NEW WEBCOMIC!
And it has reminded me of the wonderful commentary / humorous dialouge of Calvin and Hobbes. It even has a similar concept (but slightly halucinogenic) seeing as it is the story of a large anthropomorphic cat who lives with a little girl. They talk about life and society

Also check out bunnies doing random things at Bunny

Ok, well that's it. I have to go and do homework and stuff.
All I have left to say is...

Thursday, October 21, 2004


Here's something to boggle your mind with.
Imagine an apple. You are looking at an apple. What? What color is it? What does it matter? Well, sheesh, if you're going to be all insistant about it then fine...*green* ok? Sheesh...
*Anyway*, you are looking at an apple. Now logically, you know that the apple can either be seen or not be seen. Meaning, the apple is in your line of vision or it isn't. It's in front of you or it's not. In simplest form, you can see the apple or you can't.
Right, simple. But now imagine you can always see the apple. So no longer is there the schism between seeing and not seeing. *But* a new contrast arrives. Either the apple exists or it doesn't. The apple has the oppurtunity to be or not to be (that is the question). It can be there or it can not be there. These are the options regarding the apple, at least, the most basic ones.
Now, apply this idea of the apple to God. Let us assume that He exists. Therefore, by logic, the other option is that He does not exist. Here is where it gets confusing.
If God is all-powerful, as I believe, then does this mean that He is not bound to existence, for if He were, He would not be as powerful as He could be, therefore having the option to cease to exist if He wished? In other, simpler terms, can God decide to cease to exist?
Ah, you say, well of course. If God is truly all-powerful then He must be able to not exist or He would be shackled to existence.
Is it more powerful to be able to cease to exist or to be above the rule of non-existence??
Here is where it gets *even more* conusing. If God is truly all-powerful, and all things are made by God and all things are of God then...
isn't it limiting Him to say that He needs to be able to cease to exist?
Doesn't this simply switch the shackling?
Now He is shackled to having a choice. While the limitation is different, it is still a limitation.
If God created all then did He not create the ability to choose?
If this was created by Him then wouldn't he be beyond it's rules?
If He did *not* create the ability to choose then who did?
What, if not God, created the framework, not only of our universe, but of existence itself?
The final question then:
Is existence eternal or did God create it?

a request

Whoever reads this just please pray for someone.
it's not me, don't anyone freak out about me, it's for someone I know

Monday, October 18, 2004

prego sauce is salutary

New webcomic up on the links page today: which is Daily Dinosaur Comics. I tried to read it months ago and didn't find it humorous enough to look again but after the extensive reading I did today I just had to add it to my links section. You *must* go read it and, if you're feeling comical, make your own! It's really quite easy, as you'll soon find out.
In other news, Verona is rather a cool place to go. I would only advise you to get a good hotel for *all* the nights you stay, not just one of them. Train stations do not make for comfortable sleeping enviroments. There are also plenty of odd people (but cool!) who show you card tricks, play games, and attempt to rob you senseless (and fail!). And don't forget the police who want to know what you are doing when you are sitting very straight in a cold coridor staring at three sleeping girls. It really must have seemed rather odd...
Also, you must ignore all rational thought and *do not* get a map. Neither should you look at one, simply wander at random, believe me, it is much more fun.
Also, if you are looking for a cafe at which to drink absolutely astounding cafe latte then make sure to look from *side to side* as well as forward.
Also, be sure to distinguish between "15" and "50", it will only lead to horridly painful confusion if you don't.
Oh and don't bother to try wine, it tastes like shit and it burns your mouth. Absolutely pointless.
Ooo speaking of, me and Rali are going to develop "milk-wine". You take a carton of milk, stick it on the counter, wait a few weeks, and...
Milk-wine! Hooray, now sell it for hundreds of dollars, offer it at fancy restaurants and you will be a millionaire! Too bad me and Rali already thought of the idea! You're screwed! Muwahahahahaha!
Ha ha! I am envisioning all the money I will soon have! And I am envisioning your pathetically empty pockets! This makes me laugh! Laugh with glee! Ha!
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to write 7 postcards that will unfortunately have Bracknell postmarks but be from Verona.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Ketchup Pride

You love America. You would give it all the money you make, and then some. Make sure your Ketchup supports it too.

by the way, I'm not endorsing this product, it is purely hilarious. The thing above is just sarcasm. (it's just too hard to tell on the Internet so I thought I'd just tell you to be sure.

update? wha???

MASSIVE update!
Well, to the sidebar at least, I don't really have it in me to write some sort of awesome post that will astound you and enlighten you and quite possibly make you cry with joy or something like that.
So instead I facked with the template! Yay!
A whole new sidebar format greets you, you lucky traveller you!
I have divided it up into more sections, pushed stuff up, dropped stuff down, and just generally made everything look nicer.
Also, sadly, I opted for the all text approach because it caused too much of a clash to my poor eyes to see all these neato buttons followed by pathetic text.
So, in favor of being able to put links to all the wecomics I follow up, it's all text. Now I only wish I could have a separate page for them so I could offer you some form of description, because as they are you are only getting your impression of them by their name, and that's hardly fair.
So, in an attempt to make it fair for all of them, you'll just have to click on them all at some point.
Oh and my profile has been thoroughly changed and now actually contains *horror!* INFORMATION!!! oh noes!!!!111
But yes quite anyway...
Well that's all for me, I'm off to continue working.
you better be happy Rahlly, not only did I update my profile, I updated the look of the site in general, AND this post is broken up. Don't get used to it though, it's just this one. :P

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Two Fish, an Apple, and Carrot Juice.

I have yet again stumbled upon a new webcomic, this one entitled "Fox and Apple" and is to be found at this site. It is a glimpse into the life of a Fox who is described as "the biggest asshole EVAH" and a rabbit who is described as "the biggest doormat EVAH" and their relationship with eachother. Look also for the nerdy Francis and the protective freeloader Peary.
The whole interspecies thing reminds me of and the insanely cute little korean animation to be found there of the results of a rabbit falling in love with a cat at first sight.
(To find it, go to the site mentioned above, click "enter", click on "Amalloc enter", then click "view" next to the banner of the cat drinking the stuff in the cup)

Monday, October 11, 2004

downed server

He spent his precious minutes staring at a blank page, wondering what he possibly could do to fill this gap of time. It wasn’t merely the Internet that had ceased to function, it was his arms*, it was his muscles, it was his will to move. He was required to think, but had no factual basis for any thought, it being held somewhere in the vast pool of collective knowledge and random pointless facts that people from all over the world had added to. If he could peruse this at leisure, it was almost certain that the information he needed to succeed in his current assignment would simply make its way to the foreground and quietly peep, “I’m right here, no need to panic, you can research your speech.” But instead the Windows logo fluttered indefinately in electronic wind and teased his tortured soul; already growing tense at the tenative ruin this would surely cause. Breathing steadily faster he erased the horribly blank page in front of him, glaring out from the screen. Two swift clicks and there it was again, still unchanging. It taunted him, called out to him with false hope, “Maybe I’m just slow at the moment. Maybe too many people want to look at me. Maybe I’ll pop up with something if you only wait a little longer,” fueling his anger.
He paused, refreshed, and waited more.

*his nuclear arms

You'll be happy to know that his waiting was not fruitless and the internet returned. God smiled on me tonight.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


I'm not particularly fond of writing essays and am, in fact, avoiding doing so right this instant. Yes, this instant. No, no, the one just before. No right there. No, look, this isn't complicated; it was that one instant where I typed the- look never mind, I'll just go do it then. Sheesh, way to guilt trip me.
Oh by the way, I found a delectably wonderful new webcomic called Questionable Content which isn't exactly *that* questionable although there are a quite a few discussions involving such horrid things as *shock* sex, *awe* alchohol, and *horror* cake-mix. But besides such terrible deviations from goodness it's actually a rather pleasantly happy story. It also reminds me of High Fidelity to an astounding degree, which happens to be my favorite movie (so go watch it this instant!) and therefore adds to my liking of this new comic. So! go have fun reading it.
As soon as I get a good free image-hosting website up I'll be sure to put the link button up right next to all the others.

get your facts straight

I'm sorry but I must laugh ridiculously at the irony of Cheny's slight mistake last night...or well for me it was God-awfully early morning but the idea, *the idea*...stay with me. If you are either a politically concious US citizen, a concerned European, or simply someone who likes a good laugh, then you most likely watched the not quite as publicised, and not nearly as formal vice presidential debates for the upcoming American election. Now I happened to have been up at 2am anyway so I figured what harm can come of watching it, especially since I fall in the later category of the three previously mentioned. Mostly though, rather than causing humorous giggles of delight (though there were a few), the debate caused only general perturbation and a red spot from where my head was left on the table I sat (and napped) at. One of these few spots that did produce small chuckles was Cheney's use of a website to attempt to back him up, because I simply found it humorous that in this day and age the internet is considered a source, and a reliable one at that (apparently). Had I known the site I would have laughed outright, as I did this morning after reading The Guardian's G2 section. Cheney said to go to which doesn't seem to be working any longer...But anyway, Cheney said to go there to prove some point of his and if you were to you would find a large headline reading something to the extent of "How Bush is ruining America". For a more detailed description go to this site.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Full stop!

So I have a bag.
Or a satchel as my sister so cleverly put it on the customs declaration.
It kind of takes away part of the mystery of getting a giant package in the mail from overseas, only to see that pasted on the side of it is a label with a detailed account of all that is in it. And yet I must thank my sister profoundly for the "Satchel, pens, cookies, magazine, etc." It was a nice suprise to find the little pink slip saying "You have a gigantic package we can't fit in your inadequatly small mailbox; please come and get it" rather than the usual green slip telling me what random crap the school had planned for the week.
Now I'm just stuck with how to decorate this new customizable thing I've stumbled upon. I'm thinking...buttons....maybe...
So! speaking of random crap the school has planned for us, theres a worship right now that I need to go to in order to make up the 4 per week I am supposed to go to.
This post has officially ended, right now, at the end of this sentance, the sentance you're reading, this one, period.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

This didn't happen

So Howlin' Pelle was...well, howlin' about how everything he does is done with diabolical intent. I'm like that's not true but he wouldn't listen so we just end up throwing dead quotes at eachother and I got sick of it. So, in need of an antidote, I asked Paul if he could come, together with a few of his friends. So he showed up and we chatted about....something...oh metaphysical science, he asked if I was majoring in medicine but I said, "No, I have never liked memorization, I nearly break down because it gets so heavy, and that's practically all it is." Then he got this look on his face like I'm crazy, "Here it comes..." I said because you have to understand that he's huge into the medical stuff. So, he tried to say that I've got to think about it, I'll be out of college with my money spent and he saw no future in a BACH degree. Of course, he's sort of right, I wonder myself what I'll do. I'll have to end up as a teacher or something like that. Then everybody was laughing because someone else stuck a £10 note up her nose and got kind of crazy. You should have seen it, I've heard she said she'd always been a dancer but the display she put on didn't quite back that. Maybe once there was a way I would have believed her but not while she was drunk. She was carried out but in the middle of the celebration I broke down and fell asleep. I wonder what'll be in my dreams tonight. Anyway, so I woke up a bit later and was talking with this pretty nice girl, but she didn't have a lot to say so I figured it was time to call an end to the party.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The *real* college life

*sigh* I have a paper that is due yesterday, a paper due next Monday, and a paper due next Friday. Don't forget the 36 headlines about America from The Guardian that I need to write down. Well that's not precisely true, I have done 6 of them already so I only need to catch up 30 of them. And, no of course I'll be able to do that later because *of course* there's computers in the dorm that can be used at all times. Wait what? What's that? oh, the school was retarted and took the computers out of the dorm? Oh I see then, never mind, I guess I'm just screwed.
I really need a laptop.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

controlled randomosity?

Yes, yes I know that by now you are fed up with these things and are asking yourself, "What? Another one? Dear God, another one? Arg, why another one?" but I must insist upon it. What else am I supposed to do with dreams?
So, I was in the student lounge and had just finished reading section one of chapter one in part three of Les Miserables and I promptly fell asleep (this is not a commentary on my likings of the book, I, in fact, love it so far). Most of it as usual is not rememberable. I was in the lounge. But instead of it being empty and serene there were people in it, many people who were making noise. Talking, movement, etc. Otherwise it was the exact same thing as "reality". To prove this I *woke up* and showed myself and then re-entered dream world. Then someone came in and started to play music on their computer which I could only hear in dream world, when I awoke momentarily there was still no one in the room. This person thoug was obviousy agitating many of the people in the room as it wasn't "Sabbath music" and it was loudish. It agitated me too because I wanted solitude in the first place and at least quiet if not that. So I said, "I don't care about the faith part of this but can you please at least put on headphones so we can have quiet?" He seemed at first to be mainly confused and I made up for my rather imposing comment by saying (rather cryptically) "It's not like it matter, this is only dream world. I can wake up and be in quiet anytime" which I then did to again prove that it was possible. But then while I was in dream world I said to myself, "Ah, but what if *this* is reality and the other is the dream?" and then I "awoke" again and again found it to be empty and silent but *this* time I heard a voice and then I saw a water tower outside the building (which doesn't exist) and it became covered in trees. Then the lounge changed and someone came from outside (the only way to do so is through emergency exits) and he made some passing comment on having been doing something mundane and tossed a brown-paper bag into a trash can. But I mention this because I had suspicions that he was a terrorist bent on killing the students in the lounge. Then things took another turn. I found myself going to the Scottish line dancing thing which is on tonight but it met at a bus and we packed on to it like sardines. I was on the top floor of it as it *was* a double decker but it certainly was *not* a traditional double decker. This top floor was small as ever and felt like it was above the second story on buildings. there was barely any room for the amount of people in it and yet I had a clear view of everything. However, I started to get rather claustrophobic and frightened because the bus was going rather breakneck-fast and did not seem stable. I was afraid of what would happen if it were to tip because it felt like there was no way out of the little box I was trapped in. Anyway, a friend of mine was sitting ahead of me and somehow the seats were arranged in a slight U so the first and last seats were highest up, and, as me and this friend were in those seats, I could see him perfectly clear. At some point we passed through cars on the wrong side of traffic and it seemed as though we hit a few, but I was assured we did not. Briefly after that it was seen why cars were on the wrong side of the road; a semi had been squashed by some horrid accident and had blocked movement. We quickly rushed through the gap and continued on but about that moment my friend's head began to swell up. Swell up to about three times the normal size of a head. As one can imagine, I was concerned and went down the stairs to the lower level of the bus as best I could and called out for a dean or something. I said, "My friend's head is swelling,"
He said, "Woopee," in a decidely uninterested tone. In the end he did nothing and I was rather perturbed but as my friend's head began to shrink to a more believable size I decided I didn't have anything to demand from the person any longer and let him go without much rebuke. But I *did* attempt to kick him as he climbed back down the stairs to the lower level.
Bloody dreams. Make no sense

Drink! Drink! Drink and be merry!

The clouds are moving awfully fast today. Yesterday I was awaiting two of my friends as they relieved themselves at the mall and, being as tired as I was, I put my head down on my backpack to rest my neck and eyes. A few moments later I was disturbed by a mall security officer asking "You ok, mate?"
I say, "Yes, yes, fine, I'm just waiting for some friends who went to the bathroom,"
I notice behind him is an older woman holding some sort of strong box and looking at me with slightly worried eyes. I ask, "Do I need to move?" for the stores had been closing up their entrances (at 6pm no less! I am not used to this kind of early closing) but, "No, no," he says and leaves me be.
Let me give you a picture. I was wearing my duster and jeans. I have rather long hair which, I admit, is generally unkempt but not disturbingly so. I wash it and part it in the middle; no combing or product or anything like that, just natural. I had with me my backpack, the backpack of my friend (a girl's small backpack this is), three or so bags with shirts (that they had bought earlier), and a jacket I think. Oh, and a purse.
Would you not think I was a tired male who had to spend the day shopping with, if not many, girls at least a girl causing overall lack of energy, hence the head being down and the restful additude? Why then was I in need of assitance?
On a nicer note, I have to admit the first thing I thought after being brought back to reality was that this was an insanely curteous and kind thing to do, so don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say, "Bah, that's so annoying, what's wrong with British people, sheesh," it wasn't annoying at all, just rather odd. My question is what in the world gave the impression I was downtrodden?
Well, anyway, it took me by suprise, regardless. Where in America will security officers ask if you are doing ok? Unless they expect that you have a bomb or if you've been jumping up onto tables and screaming things like, "I am an owl! I live in the Tower of Flints!!"
Oh, speaking of odd things to say at random, if you're reading this and you live in England then go find a bottle of "Innocent" fruit smoothie stuff, anything from that label will do, and then read whatever is on the bottle or box or whatever it is that you managed to procure. It's the squibnocket of fruit drinks.
Oh, that was off topic...

I managed to find the website for the aforementioned fruit drinks and so here you are: Innocent Drinks

Thursday, September 16, 2004

The Disconnection

Whoa. I just spent about 30 minutes or so listening to a female Chris Martin but jazier and more introspective and *incredibly* sexual. Go buy Carina Round this instant.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Royal Britannia

Hey hey hey! Guess where this post is being written from! The green shores of England! I've finally started college! Yup, I've gone and joined the ranks of the adult, haha. So far I've seen plenty of London, kick arse city that be. We went to the Notting Hill festival on Monday which was basically just a huge crowd with loud music and much molestation (from trying to weave one's way through said crowd). The only slightly eventfuly thing that happened was that threee of our party got lost within the first 30 minutes. Interestingly enough, however, we caught up with them right as we entered the train station to go back home. Amazing, no?
Well anyway, I also went to London later on Sunday with the school so luckily it was free to *go* but because the bus left at 3pm and me and my two other friends decided we didn't want to leave quite then we decided to get a train back, which unfortunately cost me an extra 10 pounds, but oh well. And again, as soon as we got back to the train station we met up with more friends who we didn't even know were staying behind from the bus like we did.
So anyway, I've been having a fun time here, met a nice number of friends. Oh! I am the youngest one here. I could swear, everybody is like 20 or more and I'm only a pathetic 18. Nah, it's not like it's a big deal but it's so funny! I'm so damn young! Ha ha.
Well anyway, I'm much to tired to give a detailed post of the going-ons so far. Plus I have a speech due tomorrow sumtime about 1:10pm that I haven't even really started on. So I must bid thee all adieu.
Adieu, until the next time I manage to make a post.

Monday, August 23, 2004

booty! (teh pirate kind that be)

New link! That's right I have a new link up. It's a webcomic (what else) called Boussole and its genious...and gorgeous. Ya so go read it right now! It's filled with piratey goodness!! Yarr!
But now I have to go and die on my bed plesantly
....or attack my right big-toenail....

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Believe we'll come to see in harmony

I think that you never understand how important something is until you've lost it. That applies to so many things, I'm sure. Not to be sentimental or anything like that, I'm incredibly repulsed by sentimentalism. Regardless of if it's bad or not, I don't know what it is, it just puts me off incredibly. But I'm tired of having nothing to do. And of course, you being the avid reader of my posts that you are :P, you know what that really means to me.
Top 5 best theoretical concerts (at the moment of course)
1. The Beatles sometime in 69 or 70 during the Abbey Road and Let It Be sessions either outside in backyard or inside a little studio, like the one on Abbey Road for instance, but not during a recording just during a jam. (this one will always be first on this list)
2. Coldplay in a small pub in England some place before Rush of Blood but *just* before so they would throw in one or two of those songs that they would be "still working on"
3. Weezer either right after Pinkerton or before at some sort of normal venue, usual concertness.
4. The Strokes set up in the corner of a smoky pub (not that I smoke or like smoke but for some reason it should be smoky) before they hit it big in America playing stuff from Is This It?
and then hmm.... 5.
I have to make it a throw away at the moment because I'm not sure of what I would want to see after all these others but as of right now I'd like to see Carina Round play, practically anywhere.
Dammit, I want people to play music with!


you may need this to read this post...
oh and be sure not to include all the hard returns, I had to include them otherwise the post would be off the screen.

Have fun! *evil smile*

Friday, August 20, 2004

sipping your caffiene alone

I don't think there are many people who actually understand what the point of activity is. Bowling is not the point of bowling, nor is mini-golf, watching movies, going to coffee shops, or even going to a park. Although there is always...ok well mostly something in each of the activities (I say mostly because of things like clubs or other such nonsense) but the main point of an activity is *not* the activity. It is in fact the social aspect of it. Think about it the next time you go to a coffee shop, bowl, mini-golf, whatever it is you're doing outside your home. If you do it alone, think even harder about it. There is no satisfaction to bowling alone. There is no satisfaction to walking alone. There is no satisfaction to drinking coffee alone!! The absolute and obvious point is that we are social creatures and our entire purpose of being outside our homes revolves around being sociable. Unfortunately, as I started this post with, I don't think many people understand this. Suggestions of what to do are not brought up with the expectation of conversation or sociablitiy, more with the expectation of something to entertain all the people involved in the party and to keep from conversation having to be done. Which is against the point of activity in the first place!!! Bah, I'm frustrated with this society now.
I'm going to move to England! Ha!
Of course, it's not really going to be any better over there...
But that's beside the point!
Ok moving on, has a new video up for Let It Fall and oh my goodness I can't wait til I'm in England and will be able to buy this record. It's absolutely marvelous.
Besides that there's not much new...oh! I made up a new song but that isn't really that interesting. I would post the tabs for it but I'm afraid that if I do that it'll get stolen, not that it's that good, but that I'm paranoid.
Ok so in other news did you hear about the sinkhole in Mass that nearly swallowed a pregnant lady? Funny stuff.
Well that's about it, I'm in the mood to just start babbling off nonsense, and listening to facking aweseom music in japanese doesn't help. (I'm talking about The Pillows who you must instantly look up and listen to)
So I will leave this post as it is and go chat or just randomly type nonsense...maybe even a poem!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

so sleepy

Bah, what can I say? I'm tired and getting lazy right now. Tomorrow I'm going to have to pack pack pack like I have been. And plus this posting thing is bothering me because I am supposed to have a setting that automatically changes the text and it's colour and size and all but it's not working. I'm too frustrated and tired to bother with posting.
Meh...later maybe

Sunday, August 15, 2004

i lied

Ok, ok, I know I said I was going to sleep but I got caught up in a linking journey through more webcomics. Found some absolutely great ones. Check out Orneryboy and Return to Sender and this other one a softer life...or something. But ya have fun with those. I really do have to sleep now.
*edit at 2:23 AM* the one I couldn't remember is


Wow, I know, I know. It's been forever since I last posted. I just have been getting bored with the whole "oo wow i have my own website!!!11" thing. And plus I've been in Massachusets for the last few days. Although that's not really an excuse. Oh, and what with having to pack everything up. Ah well, no matter. It's time for me to stop making excuses and get back to posting often. But right now I have to go to sleep. I would stay up and chat but the person I was chatting with mysteriously dissapeared without warning....
Well, anyway. There's a new webcomic up in my little link section. Check it out, it's called "Wigu" and it may contain one of the best characters yet. Topato is hilarious. So anyway have fun with that...oh and all the other webcomics for that matter. They are really great. Unforunately some of the webcomics I like don't have link buttons on their site so not all the ones I like are actually there. But no worries, just look in the link sections of any of the webcomics that *are* on my site and you'll find plenty more.
So right...sleep....right....
bah oh well.
Goodnight all.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

pack pack pack

Bah, I am frustrated.  I am packing away and suddenly I run out of boxes.  Infuriating.  I still have an entire wall of books to pack, let alone the random personal items I have still lying around.  I think I will get more boxes from our downstairs storage and fill those up.  I don't like to have to be stopped in the middle of something like this because I know that it will be a long time before I am up to packing again.  So, hopefully, tonight I can get a chance to pack more.  Hopefully...

odd randomosity

Yup, another one.  This one was *very* odd.  Much I can't remember, so bear with the choppy description.  The earliest thing I remember was getting the keys to my mum's car while we were in a rather empty parking lot at night and going to get the car.  So I was drving but very poorly, I even messed up and went up onto a small hill, but that kind that separates different parts of a parking lot, not a real natural one.  From there it seemed that we were in a sort of amusement park because things around the road seemed to be off that sort of look.  And because there were go-carts in one section, that the road almost intercepted.  Then there was one attraction that had a mascot, like some animal, and I remembered that I was going to buy a stuffed one or something, but I didn't.  The thinking was that the mascot would be a funny but useful gift to my highschool, which is odd in itself.  From there, we left the "park".  Then there's a blank spot I can't remember, but somehow I ended up *at* this highschool, except it was this new year, and I was apparently going (which makes no sense as I just graduated) along with one of my close friends.  The next remembrance was being in the main building of this school and everyone was watching a bunch of clips from movies, although I have no idea why.  And then there was one clip that was supposed to be My Fair Lady but wasn't at all (you know how in dreams things are whatever you mind tells you they are, regardless of what they are).  For some reason I was pointing out to my friend that it was a hilarious movie, basically that the clip we were watching did it no justice, the main character couldn't talk, it was great, really funny, etc. all of which is completely wrong, but again, whatever your brain says is reality in dreams, is.  Well, anyway.  After these movie clips we began to walk to the dorms.  I should have noticed but I passed up girls on the way to what was the guy's dorm, which obviously isn't normal.  Upon reaching the dorm, it was, as usual locked, and a group of guys hung out outside the doors, waiting for them to be unlocked (this is all normal custom at this highschool haha).  Anyway, one of my friends here looked like he had been in jail or something as his hair was shaved down to almost nothing (although he had very short hair normally) and at first he was handcuffed.  Of course, nothing stays one way in dreams, and he, very naturally, wasn't handcuffed the next second or so.  We talked like old friends and he showed me a pellet gun he had that was very small, everyone near was raving about it.  Of course, he wasn't supposed to have something like this, and it was being put away very slickly every once in awhile to keep it from the eyes of someone important, not sure who it was supposed to be.  Then a woman came to the door from the inside, who everyone called "Mr." something, which made no sense to me.  They treated her like they knew her already, and I think part of it was that they did, like they had prior experience with her.  Then she said something like, "Time to go in," and I was concerned because it seemed like not everyone was there yet, there seemed to only be like 20 kids there, girls and boys.  Which turned out to be everyone, in fact.  Then we went inside I think, but wherever we ended up it wasn't really the dorm (again, one of those dream things).  We were in a classroom, but first we were lining up for something, and I ran back with one of my friends to the end of the line.  After the line, some girl I don't know accused me of calling her "Belle"  or "Bell", (I know!  So odd!!) which I didn't remember, but she assured me was true, so I apologized, but I don't think she was satisfied.  Then we went over to the actual classroom and I found a widely distributed publication from the religion that this school was based under (SotT for those who wonder) on the desks, as if they were going to be used as textbooks.  Then we began to watch a movie, that was one of those corny films, that I can't really describe well right now.  Religious in nature, but a sentimental religious type film.  It's hard to describe, one has to have seen these things to understand what I mean.  I was attempting to joke with someone about the movie's crappiness but everyone seemed to like the movie perfectly fine, or just not mind it. 
That's pretty much all I can remember.
bloody dreams, make no sense

Friday, July 23, 2004

Fiercly Battled

Alas, I fall.
I speak to thee with the tongue like
the bird chirps with the beak.  But
the bird can harmonize in such
melodious tones that human chords
are not able to produce.  I am
reduced to mutterings and groans
for my speech, coupled with clicks
and ticks of the teeth and tongue,
meeting eachother as swords: for
what is our tongue but a sword?
We use it to cut, shear, and tear
people down.  And I fall, I put down
my sword, I give up the fight, I
cease to evade my foe's attacks
and feel the burn of steel whipping
through my skin.  Death knocks at
my door and I let him enter.

Carry On

    I dry my eyes and fight the lies that carry lives into demise
    stand up and carry those who fall and tear down walls and love them all
    embrace the darkness, lonliness and guilt and shame and fear of this
    pick up the blame and wear it proudly on my shirt as proof of pain
    sleep nights of tears and days of fears and turn the gears
    and turn the gears

Thursday, July 22, 2004


No, not the thing one eats for breakfast...
yay!  Well, I added a ton of links today.  Hopefully none of the sites don't want me to.  But I'm sure that if I'm not supposed to link to them then they'll tell me.  Well, have fun checking out my favorite webcomics and some of my favorite bands!  I'll post something else cool later.
Wow, a cool post?  That would be a first....

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


    Numbers take up all my space,
    all the space within my mind.
    And all else shall take it's place
    at the proper time.
    But everytime it hones in view
    I lose my current focus.
    Forgetting all the things I knew,
    pushed out of my solace.
    Words can take up all the space,
    some which are not mine.
    Even though it seems a waste,
    a waste of precious time.
    But when I see it coming near
    my words all seem to hide,
    all the words I hold so dear,
    when it hits my eyes.
    Music swallows up my soul,
    puts me in another time,
    leaves me with an empty hole;
    I've lost something of mine.

    But then I see it once again,
    it swallows up my sight.
    I go completely blind and then
    I cannot find the light!

random strangeness

This one I have barely any recolection of.
I remember I was climbing on roofs (or is that rooves?  haha)  and there was a rope that I had to climb.  That's pretty much all of the first one.
But then I went back to sleep and I can remember a little more of this one.  I was at some kind of museum.  But thre were lots of doors.  For some reason I had to open them to find the way out.  It was a maze, in other words.  I was with somebody who I don't remember now.  We had apparently gotten separated from our group, which I think was my old high school but I'm not sure.  Anyway, one of these doors led to the exit, we knew, but which one it was, we didn't.  It was getting kind of desperate because we knew that the group would be leaving soon but we couldn't find the way out.  At some point my friend ran off because they seemed to know where they were going and I was using some sort of electronic device to record which ways they were taking (it was very weird) but they got too fast for me to keep up with entering the data so I lost track of them.  So then I was stuck on my own in this maze and I couldn't find my way out.  I think I woke up after that but I can't remember any more of it anyway.
bloody dreams, make no sense

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


I just looked at the time (haha) I posted the two previous posts.  EXACTLY (at least according to the website) 12 hours difference.  Neato!

time to shut up

Time is an odd thing.  How do we know what time it is?  There is no moment, we can not say that we are actually *at* 9:05 and 37 seconds, because a second is longer than a moment.  We would have to carry the decimal out but that can go on forever and never reach a place where we can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is the moment's time.  So in reality, there is no actual moment in time, because our measurements are *spans* of time.  Like points in geometry.  They don't really exist.  They are all in theory.  Well, that's all interesting but it's confusing me.  What I can say for sure is that we can never see the present.  We live in the past.  Is it because the present doesn't exist?  Think a moment.  Count five seconds and then snap your fingers at the fifth second.  Well, you probably ignored counting zero and counted to four in reality, so you're already off time.  Also, you didn't count accurately, I'm sure so you're off again.  But you used a clock lets say.  OK, so your count was within a certain degree of accuracy, although even clocks are off.  Let's ignore this and pretend they aren't.  So you have a perfect counting mechanism now sitting by you that has counted 5 real seconds and then you snap your fingers.  Sucess?  No, again.  First, the light from the clock's hand or LCD or whatever it is takes a certain, negligable but there, amount of time to reach your eyes.  Then your brain takes a certain amount of time to make sense of the light bouncing off your retina.  Time is taken to translate this into electrical signals and time is taken to move these signals from your eyes to your brain and then tie is taken to make sense of the signals.  Even further time is taken to set off the right neural sparks to make you realise that the "time" has arrived.  And *then*, time is taken for you to think, "Oh, snap fingers now!"  Then even more time is taken to send this signal to your fingers and even more time to actually make the fingers do it.  By the time this has all happened, you are surely innacurate.  Simply the fact that light takes time to move, regardless of how short that span of time is, is proof that we have no knowledge of the present.  We can surely feel very close but, never actually be in it.  Our minds and our conciousness exists in the past.  Odd thought isn't it?  Rather strange isn't it that we live purely in history.  Makes you realize how important that class is now, eh?  Ha ha.
That's all from me about such confusing things.  I still don't know if I believe that there even is a present but I know that regardless, we don't have the capability to know it.


*Dances retartedly*
blah la la de da, I don't really want to post
music is good
Slavonic Dances op. 46
*happy dance of slavonic dance music by Dvořák*
Theres a happy dance for everything.  Someone once told me this, so I pass the knowledge on to you.  Remember it well!

Monday, July 19, 2004


TWO poems for the price of one!
Be happy folks!


    It's only the wind, dear, wailing outside.
    I'm still right here, dear, open your eyes.
    I'm holding you tight,
    I know it caused a fright.
    It's only the wind dear, lets both say goodnight.


    People I would like to meet
    Standing there across the street
    But the fear of being hit
    By passing cars will not permit
    Me to awake and walk across
    Oh such a pain at such a loss

"Futures" of classical music: long two-part songs?

I'm listening to classical music!  Be proud!
Actually, it's not an oddity for me to listen to classical music because I don't liike it or am one of those terrible people who find it "boring" *shudder*  Oh no, I love classical music, in fact, I've been listening to it for much longer than rock and that such.  I grew up with classical, the first "rock" album I owned was The New Radicals and I *didn't* get it when it came out, I got it in 2002.  I have only been listening to rock and such since then.  Before that, all I had was classical.  So, don't think it is odd that I'm listening to classical at the moment because "I don't like it" because it's not true!!!   *grrrr*
...ok anyway, what's odd about it is that *since* that moment in 2002, I haven't really given classical the time of day.  But now I decided I'd bring out the old stuff and reminisce.
Bah, not really, but it is good to hear this stuff again.  Classical is, of course, the predecessor of all modern music anyway, so it has to be good in that sense.
Oh, speaking of music....
JIMMY EAT WORLD is coming out with another CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the audio clip on the site made me squirm and writhe with sheer extacy.
go now!!!!
It's set for October 19th and I just can't wait.
Oh, yes, they are one of my favorite bands.  I think Clarity (the album) is probably my favorite *cd* of all.  I can listen to it straight through, love it, and feel like I've listened to one song, but one good song, that has many themes.  I was reading in SPIN today an article by Chuck Klosterman called "Two Times Dope" and subtitled (I think) "Bring back incredibly awesome long-ass two-part songs.  In it Klosterman complains that songs today tend on the short side, and lacking are the long, many parted songs like "Layla" or "Bohemian Rhapsody".  I would say then, listen to Clarity.  The entire album is one song in my opinion, or at least the first 6 tracks, if one doesn't think it possible.  If you don't like that either then "Just Watch The Fireworks" and "Goodbye Sky Harbor" are both long enough to qualify, and the second one has two parts at least.  The first being roughly 3 minutes and the second beng about 14 or so.  And "Just Watch The Fireworks" is 8 mins at least as well.  So, that's a start neh?
p.s. I don't actually dissagree with Klosterman on this.  I think it would be very cool to hear bands make more classical configured songs.


Bah Humbug!  I just had to restore my computer's system files.  It irks me to some degree because I bought Norton Internet Security but it wouldn't run on my computer without causing memory loss and slowing everything down.  So what am I supposed to do for protection?  What if my computer wants to have sex with another computer?  Or worse!  What if my computer gets raped??  I have no condoms for it!  I already decided that that brothel Kazaa was no good unless I had a decent virus protection program but I don't think I'll be ever to use it now.  Bah humbug.  Bah bah (black sheep, have you any wool?)
I just realized my site's name sounds like some sort of pointless advertisement...
pathetic, thats what comes of having to rush into a title

Crazy Japanese Omeletes! wait......

The Pillows have got to be one of the greatest bands ever. (warning: if you don't know Japanese most of this site will be pointless scribbles to you)
I don't know Japanese either though so don't worry.  It's their home page though so you can see their discography and such.  If you want to hear them you'd have to download tracks off the net (kazaa or some goodness like that) or order the cds or something.  Don't buy the FLCL soundtrack though!  It's not the real songs.  The FLCL soundtrack is made up of shortned, lyricless versions of their songs, which is pure evil.
Oh, but *do* go and watch FLCL.  It's a crazy anime involving a girl on a vespa weilding a bass guitar, a kid with large mechanical things in his head, and an ear-fetished high school girl who likes fire.  Don't let the crazy plot throw you off from the sheer joy induced by watching such insane coolness.
Well anyway, today was rather uneventful, but at least I got outside and did somethings.  I went to the post office then ate at some restaurant that I have walked by hundreds of times but just never thought of.  I had swiss cheese and broccolli omelete, though cheddar is better by far in an omelete.
Um....that was absolutely pointless dribble....pardon me.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

falling panties

Today my mum and I were sitting out on the balcony eating oven toasted bread slices with tomatoe and goat cheese crumbles when we heard a bang.
Oh, first I must tell you what happened when we came home.  I live in a condominium.  It's rather tall, there's eight stories.  Coming into our driveway to go into the underground parking garage we see a bra and boxers on the ground next to this car.  It looked to me like a couple had gotten a little too exited and accidentaly threw their underwear off the building in the heat of passion or some crap like that.
However, what transpired proved me wrong. 
So we heard this bang.  Looking down it proved to be a rock.  Looking up sees another rock thrown by a little hand off the sixth floor.  After a couple more rocks and a car getting hit twice my mum called the cops.  Poor kid, though the cops never showed up.....his mum apparently found out what was going on because a little while later him and his mum were outside picking everything up, and she was pissed.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

curse lifted...?

Remember what I said yesterday night about the "Saturday night curse"?  Well apparently it didn't happen *this* Saturday night, though I swear it happens often enough to make me think.


    Hear no evil, speak no evil,
    feel no evil, reap no evil.
    Write no evil, don't you dare!
    Don't write evil anywhere!
    Evil's like an unsafe whore
    who constantly gives birth to spores
    that go inside your lungs and nest.
    You cough and hack and get no rest.
    So see no evil, close your eyes, 

    cover your ears, don't hear the cries.

cars, pedophiles, and good friends

Well, I got back from a car show just now.  Well actually, right now it's about an hour after because I got sidetracked talking to one of my friends online.  Interesting conversation about music and Europe and everything.  Always fun to be able to talk about real things for once with REAL opinions.  *sniff* I was holding out hope that it was possible, haha.  Well, anyway, it was a fine outting I suppose.  I don't really like cars in any special way.  I have a Ford Tempo, and I'm perfectly satisfied with it.  Well, except it doesn't have a cd player.  That might kill it eventually.  But I digress.  Sorry, again I have been waylaid by this friend.  I haven't had decent conversation in a long time.  I haven't actually been able to talk about real things for awhile either.  So, it's a nice change.  Ok, sorry, I just took another break.  I think I am going to screw what this thread was really about.  Hey, if or when you read this, I just want to say that it's much fun being purposefully annoying with my opinions and hashing things out and actually thinking for once.  Thanks for bothering to listen.  I'm talking to a specific person here who hopefully gets that I'm talking about them, not all of my readers (yeah, all ten of them.  No, I'm kidding.  That's way too generous of a number.  I'm sure it's less than that)
Well anyway, shes gone now so I can actually finish this post, and only a mere two hours after I started!  Yay!
So I was at the car show basically meeting up with one of my mum's freinds who's older, like he was in his teens in the 50s, I think.  It wasn't bad, though my foot acted up for some reason.  I hope it doesnt rain because I don't want to be one of those old people on the porch predicting weather.  Although I don't think there's much hope otherwise with a broken foot.  I got Irish Breakfast tea.  It wasn't really that bad, it just tasted like a generic black tea, I couln't really tell what made it too different from English Breakfast.  Of course, I didn't actually get too good of a taste of it because it was scalding hot, and heat seems to be able to steal taste away somehow.  I had to put cream and sugar in it to cool it off.  It tasted quite good then but that probably was the cream and sugar, so, like I said, I can't really comment on it's flavor.
One somewhat distrubing thing happened.  One of this older friend of my mum and me's friends was there at the show.  Well, actually, it was someone that he met at car shows and such, so he didn't really know him past that.  Apparently, some little girls accused him of taking pictures of them.  The police confiscated his film and took him name and everything.  I can't comment on whether he was innocent or not because I obviously don't know.  I can't really take his word for it, can I?  His word was not guilty (even though thats a phrase...).  He claimed he had been taking pictures of cars, which one would be prone to do at a car show...  I think I could see where confusion might come into play.  The place was almost teeming with children.  Practicaly everywhere you looked there would be a child of some sort.  So, either this guy knew this, was a pedophile, and took advantage of it, or just happened to be caught up in a set of bad coincidences.  I can't really dispute either one.  But can you imagine being innocent and in his position?  There's not much to help him because, of what I mentioned earlier, even if the developed photos were of cars, there might be children featured in them.  It gets really hard to decide either way from there I would think.  I bet his character ends up being what he gets judged on.  That's why I would be scared.  Because my life would be in the hands of 12 random people who don't know me and who are basing their decision not on fact but on what they think of me.
I can't think of how to end this post.
Meh, I think I'll post a poem or something...

more random stuff

Again, I don't remember all of it, as usual.  I had to talk with certain people who were in little village like homes, that were in large feilds.  There was a baseball diamond that I remember coming across now.  It was huge, not the diamond itself, that was normal sized, but the building that surrounded it.  It was almost like a stadium but smaller.  For some reason I walked straight through the game, right past home plate, and on through into the building that was around it.  Inside it was like a maze of poorly-lit hallways.  On the way out I heard two people talking, "...and then she said she wanted to see the cane.  In eighth grade!  I know!"  which I took to be a guy talking about a girl who was talking about a dick.  I don't remember any of the people who I had to meet, but I remember that one of them died, or something was happening to them...oh! someone had been captured and I had to find them and get them.  But when they were being captured they had asked me to go and enlist help from certain people.  I remember that one of the people I needed something from was very skeptical, as well as everyone else in the place I found him.  Oh, it was a babershop, and there were old ladies getting their hair done who thought I was insane.  Somehow I managed to convince him he needed to help me.  So then he joined me.  Oh, the way I had been traveling at this point was by this flying creature, almost like one of the "flyers" from except not blue, more brownish.  I would call it and it would come down and grab me, then flip me up on it's back and I would ride it to my next destination.  Now, with the barbershop guy, it had trouble carrying both of us.  Somehow we were in a city resembling Boston, and while in the middle of the road I tired to call the creature to pick us up.  Someone else told us, "It won't go that low"  and sure enough it wouldn't pick us up.  I was rather annoyed, as part of the reason I wanted it to pick us up in the road was to have a cool effect, and to freak out the people in the cars.  Then we ended up on a different street.  The street came out of another dream I had, which I can't remember but I know I had before.  The street was narrow, with only room enough for four cars, two moving in oppositte and parking lanes.  There were quite a few people walking up and down the slight slope.  The buildings on either side were maybe 3 stories tall, brick, had round windows with old glass: they looked like old New England buildings that you might find in some street there.  Hanging off these buildings were some signs.  Off the one on the left there was a rectangle, the edges were gold, very ornate, which made up the sides of a "window".  At the bottom of this "window" was a couch, made of gold.  Then through the "window" was a backyard park of sorts, with a tree and a pond.  All of that, of course, was for the most part 2D, but it was meant to be a trick of perspective.  I remembered this sign as one of the steps in a path.  Some verse of text or something denoted a "golden window" that I remembered then.  The old dream had me following symbols of this verse until this street, where the golden window was one sign and then from the building on the left, the upper floors, I could slide on a rope to the other building's upper floor, through a small round window of old, thick, foggy glass.  In the right building's closed off upper floor was a small library of old books.  Well, anyway.  In *this* dream I only recognized that this was the same street and made a few comments on it.  There wasn't anything else that happened that I can recall. 
The dream felt like a video game.  What I mean is that I didnt feel like when I did things that I was doing them, it felt more like I was giving a command that had an expected response.  Like when I would want to fly the creature, I would call out for it, as it would be flying above me usually.  Then it would come down and grab me with its claws and throw me on it's back.  The call didn't feel like i was actually yelling, it felt more like I had hit the "Y" button, understand?  Things seemed to feel like that.  Now that I think about it more, I think the guy who was captured was a shaman like guy, but more like the shamans from Outcast ( and go to picture 8 of Okasankaar).  I remember the room he was captured in was a huge cathedral and that I flew out of one of the upper windows with the flying creature, which I think was the first time I used it.  I remember distincly explaining the entire situation to the barbershop guy but I can't remember what the situation was...arg.  Oh well, thats all I can remember now.
bloody dreams, make no sense

very strange

This morning I woke up at 6:33 am.  This is rarely normal for me ever, but that's not the weird part.  The first thing I heard was a distinctive "psst".  No one was there.

Friday, July 16, 2004


    To see you smile,
    My heart does lift.
    To see it fade,
    my soul dies with.
    your joy is my joy,
    your pain, my pain.
    Any problems you have
    name me as the blame.
    I'll make them a burden
    to me as you rise,
    just so I can see
    that glint in your eyes.

Happy Sabbath everyone

Tomorrow I can expect relaxation and thought and calmness.  And then as soon as the sun goes down I expect hell to break loose.  I have discovered a phenomenon I call the "Saturday night curse".  It seems that the devil waits through the day of rest and then as soon as its over, gives me some sort of terrible blow.  It's almost like his custom, "Welcome back to the grind, shit."
Ah well, as of now I have a dreadful headache so I'm off to attempt to sleep.  Like I said before, Happy Sabbath, and God bless.  Have a good day tomorrow.

shower drain

i'm supposed to get up and get dressed and showered today.  My mum wants me up to go to the bookstore.
Somethings just drain the spirit and energy out of you.
Like a dying man....
a dying relationship....
.....a dying hope....

That's not exactly how it works, my friend.

    I don't know what to think.
    I only sit and blink.
    Light flashes in my eyes
    accomp'nying my constant sighs.
    This life is overrated.
    S'not that fun being jaded.
    I'm such a selfish bastard.
    How can I speak one true word
    when all I say is pure lies?
    It flashes there in my eyes
    and tries to drown out the sighs,
    make me think it's all ok,
    make me think it will just fade
    and everything will work out in the end