Thursday, October 21, 2004


Here's something to boggle your mind with.
Imagine an apple. You are looking at an apple. What? What color is it? What does it matter? Well, sheesh, if you're going to be all insistant about it then fine...*green* ok? Sheesh...
*Anyway*, you are looking at an apple. Now logically, you know that the apple can either be seen or not be seen. Meaning, the apple is in your line of vision or it isn't. It's in front of you or it's not. In simplest form, you can see the apple or you can't.
Right, simple. But now imagine you can always see the apple. So no longer is there the schism between seeing and not seeing. *But* a new contrast arrives. Either the apple exists or it doesn't. The apple has the oppurtunity to be or not to be (that is the question). It can be there or it can not be there. These are the options regarding the apple, at least, the most basic ones.
Now, apply this idea of the apple to God. Let us assume that He exists. Therefore, by logic, the other option is that He does not exist. Here is where it gets confusing.
If God is all-powerful, as I believe, then does this mean that He is not bound to existence, for if He were, He would not be as powerful as He could be, therefore having the option to cease to exist if He wished? In other, simpler terms, can God decide to cease to exist?
Ah, you say, well of course. If God is truly all-powerful then He must be able to not exist or He would be shackled to existence.
Is it more powerful to be able to cease to exist or to be above the rule of non-existence??
Here is where it gets *even more* conusing. If God is truly all-powerful, and all things are made by God and all things are of God then...
isn't it limiting Him to say that He needs to be able to cease to exist?
Doesn't this simply switch the shackling?
Now He is shackled to having a choice. While the limitation is different, it is still a limitation.
If God created all then did He not create the ability to choose?
If this was created by Him then wouldn't he be beyond it's rules?
If He did *not* create the ability to choose then who did?
What, if not God, created the framework, not only of our universe, but of existence itself?
The final question then:
Is existence eternal or did God create it?


Ralikat said...

Here we go again...oh dear.

No, God does not have the option to cease to exist - because then he would not be God, and he cannot choose to no longer be God because God is a constant, and therefore cannot change.

That was easy enough *wink*

By the way, I'm not sure I follow the apple metaphor? Explain?

Also, just because we know God as the ultimate creator does not persay mean he created everything. Some things do not need to be created - like God for example. He is a non-created being, just as existence is.

Avi said...

So if God exists and existence is eternal as God is but still exists without him, how powerful is God?

I read somewhere that God is in fact limited by His own nature in that it is impossible for him to hate his children, as in it is His nature to always love unconditionally and basically he has no choice to hate. Isn't that a limitation? And yet it's a bit more comforting if one looks at it that way, if one believes in an unconditionally loving God.

On the other hand, is his inability to hate his creations really an ultimate power? Perhaps by giving US the power of choice... ok I'm actually not going into that because it's opening up so many questions I might as well write up a whole separate blog for it. Which I'm not going to do because I have a paper to write. So you will NEVER KNOW what I was about to say.... BWAHAHAHA!

Confuzzled said...

Okay, so I believe that God exists in existance and there are no limitations to Him, because he is God, He is existance, He created existance and therefore can be nonexisting if He wanted to, although....why would He want to.....Unless He is in fear of what He created....

But even if He were if fear, which I don't think He is, it still wouldn't make sense for Him to be nonexisting, becuase if He were nonexistant, we would be to, and it's just not on His nature to snuff out the life from right underneath us.....